my name is pokee: LOL
my name is pokee: YES
my name is pokee: i know it's all part of it
my name is pokee: but you know
my name is pokee: also: i got two job offers dude
disinterest: really? whereabouts?
my name is pokee: well 2 jobs for same company... but i get to work it from home :) they are based in ontario
my name is pokee: 20/hr graphics designer p/t or f/t if i chose
my name is pokee: and/or
my name is pokee: 50K year guaranteed + comission as full time sales manager
my name is pokee: for western canada
disinterest: hoshits
disinterest: a nice pull. more than nice
disinterest: best of luck, yes
my name is pokee: yeah i am happy
my name is pokee: :)
my name is pokee: and...
my name is pokee: i talked to cris again today ^^;;
my name is pokee: hahahahahaha
my name is pokee: fuck...
my name is pokee: it's retarded
disinterest: why do you feel the need to keep going back to that?
my name is pokee: ??
disinterest: it's sad. it saddens me, I mean
my name is pokee: LOL
disinterest: ha, kuro's joined in
disinterest: amazing
my name is pokee: lol it's all funny
disinterest: who else beside us seven have been banned?
my name is pokee: i have no clue
my name is pokee: i don't admin
my name is pokee: and i don't care for the joke much :P
disinterest: hm, fair enough
my name is pokee: who is this again? :P
disinterest: this is sinowbeat
disinterest: or boat
my name is pokee: LOL
disinterest: lol
my name is pokee: sinewboat
disinterest: tamtu was being kind of mean about it anyhow
disinterest: but like
disinterest: it's so weird
disinterest: it's gotta be a joke
disinterest: or a joke in a joke
disinterest: I dunno
my name is pokee: LOL if its not obvious
my name is pokee: then i dunno
my name is pokee: i mean
my name is pokee: whats tomorrow?
disinterest: the april of the first durrrr
my name is pokee: uh huh :P
disinterest: it was weird seeing matt act all indignant and shit anyway
disinterest: he's usually a prick to me
disinterest: honestly...a person tries to go to a new community, and he tries to be accomidating and nice, and what does it get him?
disinterest: being called a fuck shit
disinterest: no, fuckshit
disinterest: :~(
my name is pokee: matt cruea is matt cruea. he's still butthurt about a few things. ignore him.
disinterest: but he emailed me
disinterest: I don't like him.
disinterest: are there know...
disinterest: non crazy people on the vaa?
my name is pokee: unfortunately they've all been driven away. tony is pretty non-crazy, azure is non-crazy, greg houser/yoda is non-crazy
disinterest: tony seems pretty straight edged
disinterest: azure? never heard of her
disinterest: and
disinterest: oh shit my stuffing! afk
my name is pokee: ok
my name is pokee: azure is the person who founded the VAA several years back... i dunno. there's some non-crazies, and there's some crazies. i'd just recommend lurking if you don't want to get involved
my name is pokee: but there's also the VAC as well which seems fairly normal
disinterest: yeah? can you give me a link?
disinterest: it's such an odd thing to come into, the whole club thing
disinterest: I hope it's a joke, at least
disinterest: it's looks pretty bad to others otherwise
my name is pokee: lol
my name is pokee: if it does reveal to be a joke
my name is pokee: it still looks like a fucking zit
disinterest: I have seen fallout like this from other boards
disinterest: like
disinterest: I used to moderate a message board for an site about orgy
disinterest: i know lame, but I was 15 at the time
disinterest: there were a couple of dudes who did acoustic covers of some of their songs
my name is pokee: just a sec
disinterest: no, hey
disinterest: are you the girl in the photo album with the stockings on her arms?
my name is pokee: er. no.
disinterest: hehe, oh
disinterest: I was gonna say
disinterest: but
disinterest: lol
disinterest: sorry
disinterest: but yeah you all seem like good people, aside from the kuffafle
my name is pokee: just a sec
my name is pokee: lol sorry i'm talking to tony
disinterest: hey I need to go to church now. ttyl?
my name is pokee: alrighty
disinterest: well tell him I said good job
disinterest: unless its a joke
disinterest: then its bad job
disinterest: lol
disinterest: bye
disinterest: No, not yet. They're not even on.
my name is pokee: ??