DMac ThePizzaCat: Gah, was I screwing things up, ig?
My apologies if so.
iParty didn't seem to be connecting, so I left my comp for
a bit.
disinterest: Hi D-Mac!
disinterest: Bad news, sir
DMac ThePizzaCat: Hmm?
disinterest: it seems between entering and exiting as a
ghost and your constant clashing with Chinomi, we've
decided to deny you access to iparty outright
disinterest: this was a hard decision, but it was fair and
equitible. we took a vote
disinterest: Administration sympathizes with your plight
and hopes for a speedy resolution
disinterest: in the meantime, it's best for the iparty body
in general if you were a non-issue
disinterest: please call 1-866-445-6580 for further
DMac ThePizzaCat: Oy... I would've liked to have
been previously informed.
I didn't even know I had a tendency to clash with
disinterest: I'm adverse to blocking addresses that clash
on principle, because since iparty uses hostnames and
not ip adresses to distinguish people it tends to block
both the clasher and clashee
disinterest: but for some reason your hostname and hers
are distinct enough to allow her access, hence the vote to
block you
disinterest: God bless America
DMac ThePizzaCat: I see.
DMac ThePizzaCat: Well, I don't really wanna be a
bother by any means, so I won't make a fuss over things.
DMac ThePizzaCat: I'm off. Good night, ig.
disinterest: a bien tot, sir. soldier on