Start 13:24 -------------- Hitsu: *panting* 01 Aizen: Yo, Hitsugaya. Hitsu: Aizen! What the.. You're still alive? 02 Aizen: Of course. Am I not standing before you? Ichimaru, Captain Hitsugaya has arrived a lot sooner.. than I would have expected. Gin: My bad. I guess Kira wasn't strong enough to hold him back. Hitsu: What? What the hell are you two talking about? 03 Aizen: Do you really want to know? We're just discussing war tactics. The first step being the decrease of the enemy's numbers. Hitsu: Decreasing numbers..?! Tell me where Hinamori is! 04 Aizen: Well now, I wonder.. Hitsu: *gaaasp* Hina..mori.. 05 Aizen: Oh look. It seems you've found her. I'm sorry. I didn't plan on surprising you like this. I wonder, if I should have diced her into tiny pieces so you wouldn't have been able to locate her. Hitsu: Aizen! Ichimaru! How long has this been going on? Was it before you faked your death? 06 Aizen: It was from the very beginning. Since I had become a Captain, I've never thought of anyone other than Ichimaru as my Vice Captain. Hitsu: So, up until now, Hinamori, me, your subordinates, the other shingami, everyone.. We were just part of your game?! 07 Aizen: I had no intentions of deceit. It's just.. no one could have possibly understood the real me.. what was inside the real Aizen's mind. Hitsu: ..the real Aizen? Hinamori.. Hinamori admired you. She joined the thirteen squads just to be a little closer to you. She wanted to help you, so she worked hard and finally became a vice-captain like she wanted. 08 Aizen: I know. There's nothing easier than manipulating a person who admires you. That's the reason why I pushed for to be my subordinate. Hitsu: *gaaasp* 09 Aizen: This is a good oppurtunity. You should remember this, Hitsugaya. Admiration is the furthest thing away from understanding. Hitsu: *gasp, explosions, omgzzzz.* Bankai. Gaiguren, Hyourin-maru! [Unohana and Isane come in panting. Yey] Hitsu: Aizen, I'll kill you for what you've done. 10 Aizen: You shouldn't use such strong words. You'll be seen as weak. Hitsu: *attaaaack* 11 Aizen: *cocky little 'hn' thing* Hitsu: What?! Ngh! This.. can't be. 12 Aizen: What a lovely view. -------------- End 17:29